PHENOMENAL LOVE! God’s Word on the move!

Bruce Smith

Every day I’m challenged to trust God with matters of eternity, as requests pour in from believers around the world asking for our help in translating God’s Word. In times of such overwhelming need, I have to go to my knees and ask God to provide. And I am grateful that you trusted God with your giving in 2017. Your generosity this past year has made an astounding impact on the work of Bible translation all around the world.
You’ve reminded me of what the Lord has been prompting in me: to trust in His promise to accomplish His purpose!
And I am especially humbled—and thrilled—to have seen such an outpouring of love and generosity from God’s people in the final days of 2017. That was amazing.
In just the last month, Christians came together and gave to provide computer tablets so that more than 300 national Bible translators could start work immediately . . . people who have waited GENERATIONS to experience God’s Word in the language of their heart.
With these tablets and our MAST strategy—Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation—these translators will be able to accomplish in just months what used to take decades. God’s Word will begin flowing within weeks to desperate multitudes.
I can only bow my head in gratitude and fight back tears as I write this. I am so grateful for every person who gave.
And now, I have another request of you. Please pray. Pray fervently. Pray without ceasing. Because now, we know from experience, the enemy will fight back in desperation. Spiritual warfare will ramp up. National Bible translators will come under fire.
We have seen it happen again and again. Persecution, illness, challenges that can’t be explained in any other way—principalities and powers will come against the work of Bible translation in the days ahead. We’ve got to be ready. We’ve got to equip translators spiritually.
So please join me in prayer. Pray every day for national Bible translators. And pray for the people who will soon see the words of Scripture in the language of their heart for the very first time in their lives. Pray that the Holy Spirit will move powerfully according to the promise of God’s Word and draw them to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Thank you for giving. Thank you for praying! God bless you.