Wycliffe Associates

If someone asked for directions to your home, you could probably give them in under a minute.
But how could you get to Ajij’s* home? He’s one of the few Christians in his village in a Southeast Asian nation that is also home to the largest Muslim population in the world.
Ajij loves God and God’s Word, but he has never seen a Bible in the heart language of his people.
This is why Ajij is deeply committed to translating the Scriptures to share with his vast language group. And I’m grateful that friends like you have already provided training and tools—computers, software, and translation resources.
But there’s a problem. There’s no internet on his island.
To get to Ajij’s home and upload the Scriptures he’s translated, our closest staff member has to...
- Drive 400 miles—15 hours over rough roads
- Get on a boat to Ajij’s island
- Pick up his translation work on a thumb drive
- Then travel by boat to another island for a web connection
And Ajij can’t go himself because hostile Muslims control his island and monitor locals who leave.
All of which makes translating the Scriptures painfully slow, difficult, and dangerous.
God Has Provided a Way
But now, by God’s grace, a powerful new form of internet technology called Starlink has become available for this Southeast Asian nation we cannot name for security reasons.
It will provide Ajij and his fellow national Bible translators with immediate, continuous internet access on their own island—for just $3,500. It’s far too much money for these brothers and sisters, but you and other friends can give them this breakthrough technology... and accelerate Bible translation for their people.
Ajij’s homeland has more than 700 language groups—hundreds still have no Bibles. But Christians in 25 of them are ready to start translating now or have translation already underway.
The new technology will catapult their work to a whole new level. It will take a total of $87,500.
Whatever you feel led to give, your generosity will be a game-changer for national Bible translators like Ajij as they strive to share the Word of God with their people.
Thanks to your heartfelt response of Christlike compassion today, someone will hold the Scriptures at last... Scriptures translated into their own heart language.
What This Breakthrough Means
In many remote jungle villages of this Southeast Asian nation, even a brand-new computer can’t connect to the web. Christians may be committed to translating the Scriptures, but they’re hampered by a serious lack—in some areas, a total lack—of communications infrastructure.
Until now...
- Isolated Christians—This Southeast Asian nation has the largest Muslim population of any nation on Earth. Hostility toward Christians takes many forms. Many parts of the country are remote, rugged, and underdeveloped, accessible only by boat, air, or hours-long treks over treacherous roads. Much of the country has seen improved internet access over time, but Christian areas have been largely neglected. So, Christ-followers are shunned socially, isolated geographically, and cut off from online communications.
- Impeded Translation—Friends of Wycliffe Associates have provided technology and training for national Bible translation in hundreds of locations worldwide. However, in much of this country, the work has been hampered by persecution, inaccessibility, and little or no linking to the web. Uploading translated Scriptures is extremely complicated, terribly slow, and in some cases, physically dangerous due to rough terrain or threats by hostile forces.
- Innovative Technology—A new communications system, already hugely successful in other parts of the world, is now available. Solar power can operate this technology where electricity is spotty or non-existent and connects the user to the internet directly via satellite. Cost: just $3,500 per language group, installed, including a full 18 months of operation.
- Immediate Challenge—Christians in 25 language groups are ready to begin Bible translation or have already begun. The total need is $87,500. This new technology will dramatically accelerate their work and hasten the day when they can share the Scriptures with their people in their own heart language for the first time in history.
Even more critical and eternal, these 25 language groups represent millions of souls who are living and dying without a copy of God’s Word.
Help Launch Bible Translation into the Future in Southeast Asia
Your gift now will launch national Bible translation into the future. You’ll open up a whole new world to the believers who can finally know that God speaks their language.
Thank you for giving, praying, and sharing this important, eternity-changing opportunity with other Christians in your circle who love God’s Word and understand the impact these new Bible translations will have among those who still wait.
*Name changed for security