God's Word Finds the Lost

Wycliffe Associates

“This brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:32
Faven* was hearing Scripture in her own language for the first time—the story of the prodigal son. As she listened the words pierced her heart, and she knew this was truth—she must share these words with her husband, Haile.*
When Haile arrived home, Faven urged him to watch the video. He, too, was moved by God’s Word in his native tongue, and together they placed their faith in Christ. Faven and Haile are just two of the many new believers in Northeast Africa who desperately need your prayers. In this Muslim stronghold, they are at constant risk of severe persecution. Since the government has shut down the evangelical churches, Christians now meet secretly in homes and even in cemeteries to try to stay under the radar. If they are caught, they are rounded up like cattle and crammed into large shipping containers—makeshift prisons that are blazing hot during the day and frigid cold at night. It is heartbreaking.
Yet God’s message of love and salvation through His translated Word can undo the evils being endured by Christians in this part of the world. That’s why Wycliffe Associates is committed to Bible translation training for believers in the region. For the Ta* language group alone, believers have translated, printed, and distributed 50 Bible stories to people like Faven and Haile.
Join us in Prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, this dear couple and many believers face unimaginable persecution simply for calling You “Lord.” Please keep them safe when they gather to worship You. I pray they will know Your comforting presence in their midst. Help me to remember them in prayer, so more prodigals can read Your word and come home to You. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
*Name changed for security reasons.