From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Bruce Smith

From our place in history, it is easy to look back and recognize the extraordinary impact that Peter and John had in the early church. But that was not their reputation among the church leaders at the time. Those church leaders described Peter and John as “unschooled, ordinary men” (Acts 4:13 NIV). They were fishermen—just like many others who lived on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.
Today there are ordinary men and women across the globe who are having a similarly extraordinary impact on their communities as they translate God’s Word for their people for the very first time. When our training teams first meet with local Christians, the believers seldom understand the impact their translation will soon have. They look across the circle of translators gathered together and see men and women, their neighbors and family members, through the lens of their ordinary lives.
But time after time, in hundreds of languages, God inspires and empowers these ordinary men and women to translate His extraordinary truth so the hearts of people are drawn to Him!
Throughout our blog and our printed Involved! newsletter you’ll see this same story unfold around the world through the work of ministers.
God is using your prayer and financial support to accomplish extraordinary things as part of His eternal plan! Thank you for standing with our brothers and sisters in Christ as they put God’s Word within easy reach of their friends and neighbors!