From Beggar to Bible Translator

Wycliffe Associates

With your support, Sara* and the other mother tongue translators have completed all four Gospels in their heart language.
“I was a beggar,” Sara* says with a look of amazement, recalling a time not long ago when she was struggling to make it from one day to the next. Back then, she spent her days going from house to house, asking for handouts and seeking change from travelers at bus stops.
As a member of the Lad* nomadic people group, Sara was considered “untouchable” and “less than” by other communities. But when team members from a South Asian ministry partner met her, that’s not what they saw. They saw someone who is precious in God’s eyes and immediately brought her to their ministry center, where she was given a meal and was invited to come back every day to eat.
Sara kept coming back, and with each passing day she learned more about God’s transforming power and how He works through His children to bless others. When she eventually decided to follow Jesus, she experienced that transformation in a personal and powerful way. She began seeking employment and was soon blessed with a reliable job. And as she learned more about God’s love for her and grew in her faith, Sara began sharing about Jesus with her own community.
Today, Sara is a member of our 10-person Lad Bible translation team and is leading the oral translation efforts. “I thank God for choosing me to do this divine job,” she says. “I was a beggar, but God is using me to give the Bread of Life to our own people. I will help give His Word in the Lad language not only to this present generation but to generations to come. This is a huge blessing!”
Thank you for the impact you’re making as you touch the lives of Bible translators like Sara.
*Names and photo changed to protect identity.