First Three Eastern DRC Languages to Use MAST Now Have Complete Bibles

Wycliffe Associates

With your prayers and support, people from three language groups now have God’s Word from beginning to end. And we’re just getting started!
After much prayer, planning, and leaning on our Heavenly Father, the three language groups in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) who first employed Wycliffe Associates’ MAST translation strategy now have both the Old and New Testaments in their heart language. Praise God!
Translation of the Havu, Kinyabwisha, and Nyanga language Bibles began in July 2016, with 12 national translators on each of the three teams. God has greatly blessed their deep commitment to translating His Word, and He’s paving the way for Bible translation in DRC to ramp up in the days ahead.
Your continued generosity will help support growing translation efforts in this country for the sake of the millions of people still waiting to read God’s Word in their heart language.