
Bruce Smith

Dear Friends,
I remember the first time I overheard my daughter say, “Dear heavenly Daddy” as she began to pray. It shocked and sobered me. It made me pause and think more carefully about how I reflect, or fail to reflect, our heavenly Father in my words, attitudes, and actions.
We recently featured a story of how a young boy came to Christ and was baptized because his father brought him to a MAST Bible translation workshop. That shared experience was life-changing for both of them.
As I travel around the world, it is common to see children following as their parents go about their daily tasks. Here in the United States, our children, and grandchildren often have their own schedules, destinations, and priorities. We drive them or they take buses to spend the day in their own pursuits. Sometimes we hang around while they do their things. But often we spend the days apart.
I’ve had a goal for some years now to have my grandsons travel with me internationally. The oldest is now seven. The other day I mentioned this to a colleague who suggested this was “too young” for them to travel with me. I guess it depends on what message you want to communicate to your kids and grandkids.
I want mine to see the power of God’s Word at work in the lives of people beyond their horizons. Our plan to travel together this spring was deferred due to unrest in our destination country. But while the date has changed, the plan has not.
Thank you for your part in advancing Bible translation. I encourage you to bring your children and grandchildren along on this journey. It will change their lives!