Eyes on the Prize

Wycliffe Associates

"Bible translation is wonderful. But seeing people come to Christ through the Scriptures is always the goal."
This heartfelt statement from a national Bible translator at a MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) event in South Sudan cuts straight to the core of what Bible translation is truly all about. The completion of a translation project is not the end goal. Rather, it is a vehicle by which people can learn of the one true God and come to a saving knowledge of His love, grace, and forgiveness.
That’s why we’re so excited to tell you about the MAST workshop that brought together national translators for two people groups. In a two-week period, these mother-tongue translators completed the translation of numerous New Testament books in their heart languages. Since the first workshop, both groups have completed their New Testaments!
This is an amazing feat, considering the severe crises that grip South Sudan. Most of the country is in the midst of war, which has crippled the infrastructure and communication channels. If that weren’t bad enough, famine has seized the region, and the currency has been devalued 800 percent.
Yet the translators showed up for the MAST workshop with their eyes on the prize, believing the work they are doing will be the only hope for their homeland. “God’s Word is the only tool to transform the society,” one translator said. “There is hope when people read God’s Word in their language.”