Devotion: “Their Eyes Sparkle with Joy”

Wycliffe Associates

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. - Hebrews 4:12
The following is an excerpt from a letter we recently received from Pastor Jacob, who is serving the Setswana in Botswana, Africa.
“It’s a great joy for us to see the completion of the New Testament. The other Bible versions we have are from the neighboring countries and differ with our Setswana in many ways. Although these are the translations we have been using for decades, they have caused a number of serious theological errors, as these languages are similar but not the same.
“In many cases, we use the same words to mean totally different things. As a result, when we read the Bible from the neighboring countries, we get a totally different meaning from what the Bible actually says.
“Also, many people equate spirituality with speaking Sotho, Pedi, and other regional languages. Now people will begin to know that God speaks our own language, too.
“When I first read the New Testament in church, people were surprised to hear the Bible in Setswana. It resonated well with us. They now know the difference, and when I read from my copy of the New Testament, their eyes sparkle with joy to the sound of Scripture that is straightforward, easy for them to follow, and clearly understood.
“The New Testament will make a great difference in the church as the people enjoy this translation better.”
Join us in prayer:
Dear Father, these are Your children in Botswana—and they are full of joy hearing Your Word in their heart language. Father, Your Word is alive and active. I, too, want to be filled with joy every time I read my Bible. In Jesus’s name. Amen.