Christians Asking for Help in the World's Largest Muslim Region

Wycliffe Associates

It’s not easy to be a believer in Southeast Asia. Islam is a stronghold and religious persecution can be extreme, often sanctioned by governing authorities.
But there are Christians there who are actively reaching the unreached to share the hope of the gospel. They are planting churches and are rejoicing that God continues to protect and advance their ministry.
But they are still waiting for a Bible they can read in the language they grew up with, the language of their thoughts and hearts.
So in spite of persecution, COVID, natural disasters, and terrible poverty, the Christians of Southeast Asia are asking for tools to translate the Bible into the language of their hearts. Fifteen national Bible translators are asking Wycliffe Associates for TNT.
What is TNT?
TNT is short for Technology for National Translators. It’s a kit Wycliffe Associates provides to equip a team of believers with everything they need to get started translating Scripture. Each kit includes a very specialized computer that is sturdy and fully loaded with software and the ability to access the internet so translators can get online, plus the training they need to begin translating. Another very important advantage TNT gives these teams is security; because their work is stored safely online or “in the cloud,” their work cannot be discovered and destroyed by hostile authorities.
A TNT kit costs $1,500, and here is what it looks like.
Imagine, just $1,500 can outfit a team of national Bible translators in a tiny village, on a remote island in Southeast Asia with everything they need to start a translation project. A $1,500 investment means there will soon be Scripture in a language where it has never existed before! Just $1,500 means a believer will soon be able to read and understand Scripture, and use it to preach, teach, and bring the unreached to faith in Christ!
To provide the 30 most immediately needed TNTs, we’ll need to raise $45,000.
These are passionate Christians who are willing to risk all. Let’s say yes to all these translators!
One of our church partners in the Papua region asks, “How will they hear God’s word for SALVATION? They don’t know Tok Pisin (the majority language) or English. A Bible needs to be in their mother tongue. God, hear our cries and prayers.”
Another church partner wrote to share that a recent convert said, “I want to get baptized and be part of what God is doing. I can’t thank the Lord enough for continuing to draw people not only to His saving grace but also His work and ministry.”
Please pray with us for these partners. Pray that God will move in many hearts to realize this ambitious $45,000 goal so we can help national Bible translators in Southeast Asia share God’s Word with their own people, in their own heart languages.