Casual Observers Jump Into Bible Translation

Wycliffe Associates

So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 2 Peter 3:14–18
A group of thirty-seven people showed up for a MAST workshop in Myanmar, ready to help translate the Scriptures into their heart language. But they were not alone. Five people from another language group, Tg* had arrived to “watch.” They had heard about MAST and that God’s Word was being translated into other languages. They wondered if MAST might work for them, too. The more they learned, the more intrigued they became.
Before long, this small team of five jumped into action to begin translating the Scriptures into their own language. By the end of the two-week workshop, they had completed The Gospel According to Mark, along with 1 and 2 Thessalonians!
This small team was so excited about the progress they had made that they planned another workshop in hopes of completing the New Testament. Yes! They reached their goal! The Tg New Testament is now finished, and the team took printed copies back to their villages.
“Thank you for making it possible for us to have the Bible in our own language,” said Sul* one of the Tg translators. “To be able to have the Bible in our own language is the most precious thing for me and for my people.
Join us in prayer:
Thank You, Lord Jesus, that Your Word is now in these languages. Thank You that I also have the Bible in my language. Your words are precious. Please help me take today’s verse to heart—that I will make every effort to be truly blameless and at peace with You, so I will look forward to Your return. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
*Names changed for security reasons.