Bible Translation Takes Hold in Refugee Camp

Wycliffe Associates

Early each morning, a loud speaker crackles as it prepares to relay the morning call to prayer from a nearby mosque—a poignant reminder that God’s Word is desperately needed in this place. The setting is the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, which is currently home to 185,000 refugees from numerous African countries.
Despite the tragic circumstances these people have endured, hope is growing in the camp, especially among our brothers and sisters in Christ.Last year the camp was home to the largest MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) translation event ever held in Africa. MAST is our breakthrough Bible translation strategy in which we equip teams of local believers to translate the Scriptures side by side, with remarkable speed and accuracy.
Now, in 15 language groups within the camp, the indigenous church is courageously and diligently working to translate the Scriptures into the heart languages of these hurting and displaced people.
Through your support, we also have provided the national translators with Bible Translation Recording Kits and have trained them to record audio files of the Scriptures they’ve translated. Each kit includes a computer tablet, translation and recording software, and a microphone. The audio recordings will be a wonderful blessing for the many refugees who need Jesus but can’t read.
Thank you for allowing God to work through you . . . even in a desolate African refugee camp!