Answered Prayer

Bruce Smith

Dear Friends,
I’ll never forget that moment. The congregation bowed their heads together to pray for a dear friend and missionary who had been brutally attacked the night before. She was barely clinging to life. The pastor leading us in prayer was a close personal friend of mine. The chairs around me were filled by more friends and family. As we prayed together, I had a growing sense that God was telling me to be an essential part of the answer to that prayer.
The next morning I landed the MAF airplane on the sandy beach of the small island where the missionary had been attacked, evacuating her to Port-au-Prince to connect with a jet medevac flight to Miami.
Have you ever had the clear sense from the Holy Spirit that God wanted you to be an important part of the answer to someone’s prayer?
I hope you have. It is humbling to realize that God has chosen you to be His hands and feet, His voice, or His steward. I never cease to be amazed that God chooses to invite people like us to bring His love to life in very practical ways.
Do you know that millions of people are praying, asking God to make
Himself known, asking God to reach into their lives with hope and
redemption? Sometimes God answers these prayers supernaturally.
Most often He uses people—people like you.
Thank you for sharing in answering these prayers through your service
and stewardship!