A Prayer From Her Deathbed

Wycliffe Associates

Courage and grace. Faith and perseverance. These qualities are found in national Bible translators.
But when you hear the story of a believer who was deathly ill, yet even more motivated to continue translating God’s Word, you can clearly see that God’s will is indeed being done.
The place is a region in Southeast Asia—the most populous Muslim nation in the world. The woman, a national Bible translator, was indeed courageous when she defied the threat of persecution to see her prayers answered, to finally have a Bible in a language she can read and understand.
Her name is secret. To share it could mean a death sentence for the entire Bible translation team and their church.
The Bible translation team was hard at work using computers and training provided by Wycliffe Associates’ caring and committed friends, when suddenly, without warning, our sister in Christ became severely ill.
Word traveled fast among the team that she might soon breathe her last breath. But her passion for God’s Word was so great that she refused to give up. From her deathbed, as her family pleaded with God for her life, she looked past her pain and suffering and made a vow to the Lord that she would continue working until her last breath.
God honored her devotion and focus, miraculously healing her. She got off of her deathbed and went to the translation team leader, asking for more resources so she could translate more of the Scriptures for her people!
This woman’s dedication and devotion to national Bible translation shines like a beacon for everyone who loves God and His Word. And, in truth, there are hearts like hers all across Southeast Asia who just want the chance to translate Scriptures!
Your prayers and support are needed to equip Christians in Southeast Asia with TNT—Technology for National Translators: a highly specialized computer, Bible translation software, access to translation resources, an immediate storage system, and access to the internet to upload and protect translated text from being confiscated or destroyed by enemies of the gospel—and the training to put it all to use.
- As you read these words, there are 10 translators hoping and praying in the western portion of this country—total cost: $15,000.
- In the central region, 25 translators are asking for the opportunity—total cost: $37,500.
- In the eastern region, another 25 translators are waiting—total cost: $37,500.
These language groups are ready to start work, despite ongoing challenges that include everything from the pandemic to persecution, making our prayerful goal $90,000.
It’s an ambitious outreach because there are hundreds of language groups in Southeast Asia. But as long as there are believers there who do not have a Bible they can read and understand, Wycliffe Associates will continue to ask partners to provide the specialized tools and training that can outfit teams in tiny villages and teeming cities to begin translating.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Southeast Asia who are asking for the tools, technology, and training they need to share God’s Word with their friends, family, community, and nation, and give as you can to launch more translation projects.