A Long Time Coming

Wycliffe Associates

The Tangkhul people of Myanmar were the first community in their region to turn to Christianity— over 120 years ago. With your help, they finally have God’s translated Word in their heart language.
Christianity came to the Tangkhul people over a century ago. The chief at the time often shared stories with the villagers about how his grandfather dreamed of a missionary visiting them. So, years later when a missionary actually came to their village, the chief allowed him to live among their tribe.
Before long the chief confessed his faith in Christ, and that one conversion set off a tidal wave of other villagers becoming followers of Jesus. To this day, Christianity remains prominent among the Tangkhul Nagas. But what they’ve been missing all along is God’s Word in their heart language. Until now.
Through your support, a MAST translation workshop was held, attracting 25 national translators. With passion and dedication, they have drafted the translation of their New Testament and are in the final accuracy checking stage.
This is the first Scripture the Tangkhul have ever had in their language. Thank you for blessing them in this eternal way. Please pray for the translators as they continue to translate the Scriptures into the language of their people.